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The UN-conventional


Coaching isn’t just for athletes.

goals Nov 21, 2023
Coach and Player

Wanting specialized support through coaching or therapy is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of wanting growth; working smarter, not harder. You don’t want to just hit the racket hoping you’ll figure out a good tennis swing. You want to learn how to hit it well and stay injury free.

Let's say you want to play tennis. Do you just buy a racket and a ball and start hitting the wall? You could; you wouldn't improve very quickly and you might get frustrated or injured, but you could. Chances are though you'll watch some videos on how to swing, maybe talk to some friends or sign up for a lesson and get a coach.

If you want to improve quickly - let’s say to keep up and have fun with other more experienced tennis players - you’ll get a coach that has expertise in what you want to improve. You probably won’t think: “I have to figure this out myself even if it takes 10x’s longer.”

In sports, we know that having coaches doesn’t mean we aren’t good or weak, it means we want to get better faster with expert support. Even amateur athletes can have many coaches, sport psychologists, physical therapists - all with the aim of supporting them to be the best possible athlete.

So why should it be any different in your personal or professional life? As you advance in your career, start your own businesses or flex into a new role, you need to think of it the same way you would think about learning a new sport or being a professional athlete.

Wanting specialized support through coaching or therapy is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of wanting growth; working smarter, not harder. You don’t want to just hit the racket hoping you’ll figure out a good tennis swing. You want to learn how to hit it well and stay injury free.

In business, you don’t want to make up a marketing plan and hope it works; you want to learn from the best on what makes an effective plan and go from there. Or maybe you want support to not burnout, identify your blind spots and growth areas, which strengths you should leverage more, or how to get more joy out of your work or life.

We wouldn’t expect an athlete to go pro and never get coaching again. Why not have the same expectations for yourself in your life and careers.

See if we are your coaches. Book a chemistry chat now.


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