You're Starting

Something Good


We'll give you the structure and accountability you're looking for to build a business you love.


Make it real.  

We move you from thinking, researching, and doubting -- to making decisions, testing your ideas, and making offers and getting customers you're excited about.

As your business coaches and thought partners, we make the heavier parts of starting your business lighter.

Our job is to facilitate your thinking through key business strategies and ask the right questions, but also to provide you - as a whole person - the support you need to achieve your goals.


Start Something Good is right for you if...

  • You are ready to start a business and have an idea you want to test in the market. 
  • Your expertise lies in the product or service you are creating. You're stuck on where to start and how to make your idea a sustainable reality.
  • You're excited to deliver your product or service to clients, but not sure how to market, sell and price.
  • You want your business to bring in the income you're looking for, while also having time for priorities and passions outside of your business.
  • You want to make sure your business is a force for good for the planet, people, and your community.

What we help with. 

  • Providing clear and actionable tools, frameworks and prompts to keep you structured and with accountability and support to keep you on track.
  • One-on-one coaching for those moments where you know what to do but just can't seem to do it. 
  • Developing short and long-term plans for financial feasibility and revenue. Help you understand how much you can pay yourself and how much capital you need to get started. 
  • Developing and testing product offerings that are incredibly valuable to your customer and that you love.
  • Developing marketing and sales strategies and goals that you like and will do.
  • Vision and goals for your business that support the life you want long-term including how much you earn, travel, and hours you want to work.

Our 3-phase process gets you moving

We'll work together to build a strong company foundation. Think everything from personal purpose and 10-year ideal scene for you your life to company mission/vision/purpose and developing a high value product for your ideal client.

We'll then develop 3-year strategies and goals, and the related marketing, revenue and product strategies. This will give you the clarity and structure you need when you start to implement, test and iterate your ideas. During implementation and testing, we'll be there helping you identify what you're learning, what you should tweak and when you've found the sweet spot you should take to the next level.


Our simple process will bring immediate relief to you and your business while creating the foundations and systems for long-term success and sustainability.


Program Details

We provide ongoing and unlimited support for our clients and request a 4-month commitment to the program.

Monthly Coaching Program includes:

  • Weekly 60-minute Coaching Calls with Laura & Sarah.
  • Unlimited additional support, including 20-min emergency coaching sessions.
  • A WhatsApp group to share direct feedback on all aspects of your business.
  • Tools and Homework* to complete each phase. 
  • Cost: €3,000, payment plan available.

*never graded, never required, and will directly help your business.

No-risk offer. If you don't start getting results and value from coaching, we'll give you a full refund and we'll all still be friends. 


Start Something Good

Ready to get started? Book a free coaching call and see if we are the right coaches for you.


We want to help entrepreneurs grow good businesses - businesses that are good for people & the planet. If you don't get results, you shouldn't have to pay us. You can stop anytime and get a full refund if you are unhappy with coaching.  

Book your Free 1-hr Coaching Call