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The UN-conventional


How to Get Unstuck In Your Creative Business

Sep 19, 2023

When you feel you’ve come as far as you can, you have to go back to the basics to figure out what you want to do next.

Step #1 - Write Your “Ideal Scene”

At some point, you put pen to paper to envision the business you have now. You imagined what you would be doing, what your customers would be like, and what your product would be.

If you never did this, you might be especially prone to disliking the business you have. This is very common and it’s never too late to reevaluate your goals and re-envision what you want.

Get a pen and paper* (or pull up your favorite note-keeping app) and answer these questions. The benefits of doing this task can not be understated.

If you find your brain fighting you with things like “I don’t have time" "What’s the use?" "Nothing will change”, thank it for trying to keep you safe and do it anyway.

Start your 10-year ideal scene with the following questions. Sign up for our Build Your Business Plan Free Course to get this in your inbox.

  • How much do you want to work?
  • How much do you want to make?
  • Who do you want to be working with?
  • What do you want to be doing?
  • What percentage of your time are you: Physical or stationary Creating new products Producing and delivering products to clients Selling & marketing Managing people or the business


Step #2 - Reevaluate your (personal) purpose and values.

Your purpose is what makes life meaningful and your values guide your decisions. See our blog on why this is so important. It's no small thing to figure out your purpose and values. If you are ready to explore yours, book a chemistry chat or sign up for the Build Your Business Plan Course.  


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